


My work is continuously evolving in terms of concept, shape and material.

Through my training as a sculptor, I focuse on volume and material-related form and objects.

I developed an interest in the various aspects of the body and its  appearence.

The fragility and the importance of the individual body in sexuality and death has a meaning that is often abused and manipulated in every day life and society.

As a female artist, I investigate the difference between female and male.

This is visible in my work: a feminist point of view moving forwards in a conceptual direction.

I veer in the direction of “painting “ by using different materials on canvas  - skin from the body is transferred onto the surface of the canvas and made visible.

-          Works with nail varnish on canvas ( from 1997-present)

-          Beeswax on canvas with  drawings with permanent marker (from 2008-present )

I wish to make the viewer aware of the body’s vulnerability.

 My entire work may be summarized as “in the service of the body “.


Sim cha chi 2018
